
Comments on Waltke and O’Connor, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax is unavailable, but you can change that!

Students of Biblical Hebrew know that Bruce K. Waltke and Michael P. O’Connor’s An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax is a standard intermediate reference grammar for Biblical Hebrew. William D. Barrick has built on their work by providing a commentary that works through all forty chapters of this important Hebrew grammar. Comments on Waltke and O’Connor, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew...

רְוָחָה “break,” “clearing,” “relief” II נוּחַ “sigh” רוּחַ “spirit,” “breath,” “wind” §§6.2.1a (97), 6.2.2d (99), 6.3.2c (101): Agreement (or, congruence) is the primary function of gender. Over a century ago, Gesenius (followed closely by Kautzsch and Cowley) explained gender in Hebrew on the basis of contemporary cultural opinion rather than on solid linguistic science. See GKC §122m–n, u as primary examples of the chauvinistic treatment of gender in Hebrew. While gender in classical
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